In order to carry out all the projects that our club is involved with throughout the year, each member is asked to join one or more committees.
1. Administrative and Inter-club Committee
Enhance the club meeting each week by providing music and other activities to support the evening’s program. Enhance fellowship among the members and with visiting Inter-Club people. Arrange for Inter-Club visits with other Division clubs. Receive from and send to other clubs the traveling gavel. See for further guidance on Inter-Clubs.
Not specified
Dan Dauw, Dick Ford, Ed Kemnitz, James Unrath, Jim Luikart, Jim Wethington, Tony Simon
2. Audit Committee
Responsible for clubs annual accounting audit.
Not specified
Dale Kiser, Mike Kandis
3. Community Project (TBA)
Determine the feasibility of developing a community playground for young children and/or children with special needs.
Not specified
Not specified
4. Community Service
Review grant requests and provide recommendations to the board. Work to improve all aspects of the community by studying, devising and suggesting community service projects that can be performed by this club. Manage or monitor current projects (including time spent on them). Develop an “Idea Bank” of potential projects that may be implemented by the Board as resources come available. Report status of projects and the “Idea Bank” to the Board at least once per quarter. Provide activity and Service Report to Club President and Secretary for inclusion in Secretary’s Monthly Report. Report to members quarterly or more often as necessary. Permanent projects include: Assist Community Assessment, Doo Dah Parade, IRS volunteers for income tax assistance for the low income and elderly, provide drivers for Hospital shuttle. Previous projects include: Food Pantry, Provide support for Relay for Life, Refresher course for State of Illinois Drivers Test, Christmas Walk Bus and Trolley Guide duties.
Jerry Myhre
Dave Tubbs, Ken Schlotfeldt, Ronald Blank, Tom Vorac
5. Developmental Disabilities
DUTIES: Address the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities of any age in our community and implementing Kiwanis International Programs that will assist in the development of individuals with any form of disability. Review Grant Applications. Give quarterly report to President and Secretary. Previous projects include the following – Abilities Plus, Children’s Therapy Center and Developmental Disabilities Bowling.
Roger Bengtson
Teresa A Fritsch, Wesley Harris
6. Historian
Keeps clubs historical documents and data current in Portalbuzz. Research past years for significant items of interest for current and future members.
Ed Kemnitz
Not specified
7. Human and Spiritual Values
Cooperate on broad and nondemonational lines with religious leaders and groups in the community in order to create a greater individual and public consciousness of the importance of religious and spiritual values. Advise the Board of Directors quarterly of potential projects or activities. Advise members monthly (or as necessary) of special physical and spiritual needs of our members or the community. Ongoing functions include: Scheduling prayer before meal at meetings, calling upon ill or hospitalized members, maintaining contact with a member’s family in the event of a member death, provide sympathy and get well cards as appropriate, provide spiritual guidance at club meetings.
Steve Morgan
Not specified
8. Meeting Preparation
Prepare meeting room for weekly meeting. Includes setting up banners, installing portable speaker system, arranging the Kiwanis bell and gavel on head table and any other functions which will enhance the evenings program, such as table decorations.
Bob Mays
Tony Simon, Wesley Harris
9. Membership & Growth
Devise ways and means of maintaining an adequate membership of such standards that are provided in the club bylaws. This includes membership of the Young Professional group. The committee shall consider all proposals for membership and shall submit its recommendations to the Board of Directors. The committee shall also devise effective plans for the orientation and induction of new members and the utilization of all members. The inductor is Dick Ford.
Not specified
Not specified
10. Pancake Day Fundraiser
Pancake Day is an annual club fundraiser to support all club sponsorships and grants in the Service Fund. Organize and lead the Pancake Day fundraising activity, normally on the first Sunday of March. Arrange for facilities, supplies, equipment and publicity for the event. Recruit club members, scouts and Key Club members to assist as needed. Past Chairman: Wayne Stone
Paul Mosher
Gene Stees, Guy Gibson, Ken Schlotfeldt, Richard VerHeecke, Ronald Blank
11. Peanut Day / New Fundraiser
Traditionally this committee organized and run the peanut fund raiser for the club. This included the securing of the peanuts, as well as permission to solicitate donations at area businesses and at a high school football game. Area businesses were approached about purchasing cases of peanuts. The Committee was responsible for storage and delivery of peanuts to needed locations as well as handling the donations/contributions to be turned over to club treasurer. For 2021, the committee will determine if peanut sales are a viable fundraiser for the Service Fund of the Club. If not, the committee will research and explore other opportunities for fundraising for presentation to the board of directors by early summer.
Ray Bergles
Dave Marshall, Joe Mickley
12. Pool Fun Day
Coordinate and execute annual Pool Funday for area youth at the Geneseo Community Swimming Pool. This includes working with the Community Center to schedule the event and details for planning the day’s activities, getting volunteers from the club, ordering watermelons and getting the Kiwanis Dunk-tank (Bengston, Storm).
Tom Domino
Bob Mays, Chris Gillet, Thom Stone
13. Pork in the Park
Enjoy grilled pork and listen to the Maple City Band in the Aisle of Flags on the Fourth of July. This one of our largest fundraisers for the Service Fund. Organize and lead the Pork in the Park fundraising activity. Arrange for facilities, supplies, equipment and publicity for the event. Recruit club members and Key Club members to assist as needed.
Chris Gillet
Dave Moore, Joe Mickley, Mike Kandis
14. Program Committee – 1st quarter – October – November – December
Program Committee – October-November-December Find and secure topics/speakers for the quarter’s weekly meetings. Figure 35-40 minutes for speaker. Also host and introduce speakers at the meetings. Programs need to be entered in the Portalbuzz Calendar for member visibility.
James Unrath, Mike Kandis
Brian Hofer, Chris Gillet, Dean Yoder, Dick Ford, Guy Gibson, Jim Luikart, Joe Mickley, Larry Johnsen, Marty Carrico, Tony Simon
15. Program Committee – 2nd quarter – January, February and March
Program Committee – October-November-December Find and secure topics/speakers for the quarter’s weekly meetings. Figure 35-40 minutes for speaker. Also host and introduce speakers at the meetings. Programs need to be entered in the Portalbuzz Calendar for member visibility.
Bob Mays, Dan Dauw
Bob Mays, Dan Dauw, Dathan Kerber, David Shannon, Gary Dahlquist, Greg Dykema, Larry Johnsen, Ray Rogers, Stanley Storm, Steve Morgan, Tom Domino, Wayne Stone, Wyatt Brieser
16. Program Committee – 3rd quarter – April, May, June
Program Committee – October-November-December Find and secure topics/speakers for the quarter’s weekly meetings. Figure 35-40 minutes for speaker. Also host and introduce speakers at the meetings. Programs need to be entered in the Portalbuzz Calendar for member visibility.
Jim Cassens
Bill Daugherty, Greg Dykema, Jeanne Anderson, Michele Weber-Enck, William Schehl
17. Program Committee – 4th quarter – July, August, September
Program Committee – October-November-December Find and secure topics/speakers for the quarter’s weekly meetings. Figure 35-40 minutes for speaker. Also host and introduce speakers at the meetings. Programs need to be entered in the Portalbuzz Calendar for member visibility.
Claire Crawford
Dick Baum, Lyn Paris, Roger Bengtson, Wesley Harris
18. Public Relations
Furnish club newsletter to members that includes the previous meeting recap, speaker, current and future planned activities. Furnish information to the news media as appropriate. Publicity for club activities is the responsibility of the sponsoring committee with help from this committee. Furnish information to the District Bulletin Editor. Photograph club events as appropriate and preserve a file of photos taken. The committee is challenged to increase the clubs social media and web presence. Bulletin Editor is Dick Ford, Chris Gillet and Dave Moore. Media Coordinator is Bob Mays, Photographers are David Moore, Chris Gillet and Bob Mays. Webmasters are Chris Gillet and David Moore. Facebook is Chris Gillet and Dave Moore.
Bob Mays
Chris Gillet, Dave Moore
19. Satellite Club (Young Professional Committee)
The Young Professional Committee (YPC) is a satellite of the Kiwanis Club of Geneseo dedicated to performing service work for children and seniors in the community. The YPC holds its meetings and service activities at a location that is separate from the evening club. Members of the YPC are encouraged to meet once each month to plan service activities. As with other committees of the club, the YPC will propose fundraising activities and service projects to the host club’s board of directors for approval. Liaisons: Bob Mays – Tony Simon
Not specified
Not specified
20. Service Fund Distribution Coordination
Review the Grants which are submitted to the Club and facilitates with committee chairmen in the selection of charities for donations. Coordinate the distribution of funds approved by the board. Balance the distributions to maximize the visibility of the club to the community. Work closely with the Public Relations Committee chairperson. Past Chairpersons: Jim Luikart
Jim Luikart
Chris Gillet
21. Song Leader & Parade Director
Leads club singing and parades. This includes the Famous Doo Dah and Marching Shovels parades!
Dick Ford
Not specified
22. Sponsored Youth – Builders Club
Encourage, promote and financially support the Geneseo Builders Club. Report activity to Kiwanis members at the regular weekly meetings. Chairperson: Wayne Stone Past Chairpersons: Stan Storm Faculty Advisor: Amy Feely The students meet every Friday at 7:50 am in the Geneseo Middle School Library. There are approximately 30 members.
Wayne Stone
Not specified
23. Sponsored Youth – Key Club
Encourage, promote and financially support the Geneseo Key Club. Report activities to Kiwanis members at the weekly meeting. Past Chairperson: Tony Simon Faculty Advisors: Kim Anderson, Sara Bertelson Kiwanis Key Club Advisor: Ray Bergles Backup Advisor: Arnold Taube The students meet at the Geneseo High School Library every Tuesday at 7:30 am. There are approximately 35 members.
Ray Bergles
Not specified
24. Sponsored Youth – Key Leaders Program
Establish, encourage, promote and financially support the establishment of Geneseo Key-Leaders Leadership skills training program. Report activity to Kiwanis members at the regularly scheduled meetings. Chairperson: Arnold Taube Past Chairperson: Arnold Taube Faculty Advisor:
Not specified
Not specified
25. Steak Fry
Committee is responsible for setting the date and location as well as procuring all of the food and necessary equipment to handle the annual steak fry. Date must be coordinated with Club president and the July, August September programming committee along with the Geneseo High School Football Coaching staff. Committee is in charge of all preparation, serving and clean-up for the event.
Dick Baum
Jim Cassens, Greg Dykema, Wayne Gradert, Dave Gustafson, Jim Unrath, Rich VerHeecke
In order to carry out all the projects that our club is involved with throughout the year, each member is asked to join one or more committees.
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